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Vehicle management with drivers logs

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Fleet management and drivers logs

The status of the vehicle fleet must also be monitored at all times. With CrewBrain, you schedule your vehicles to match your orders and events, while keeping track of upcoming inspections and much more.

CrewBrain Fuhrparkverwaltung

Easy & efficient vehicle planning

The planning of vehicles benefits from our many years of experience in personnel planning. Vehicles can be booked to jobs quickly and easily, and CrewBrain also keeps track at all times of whether the appropriate driving personnel are already scheduled on the job.

 Electronic drivers logs

In CrewBrain, the driver's logbook is directly integrated into the time recording. As soon as an employee records a driving time, he can optionally also record the vehicle and the current mileage. When he finishes his working time, the mileage is queried again and the driving distance is calculated automatically. In addition, CrewBrain can automatically record the GPS position of the start and end of the route.

Fahrtenbuch auf dem iPhone

Fleet management

Not only employees, freelancers & service providers, but also vehicles are recorded in CrewBrain via the base data. In addition to the most important information such as the name and license plate number, you can also store which certificates (e.g. driver's licenses) are required to drive a corresponding vehicle.


Dispose vehicles

If a vehicle is scheduled for a job, a driver and possible co-drivers can be defined directly based on the number of seats stored in the vehicle administration. In this way, CrewBrain is also ideal for directly planning carpools. A trip order for the driver can also be created and printed directly.

Fahrzeuge disponieren

Manage inspection intervals

Any number of inspection intervals can be stored for each vehicle. CrewBrain automatically reminds you of upcoming inspections, regardless of whether they take place after a time interval or at a certain mileage.

Inspektionen und Wartungsintervalle verwalten

Settle travel expenses

In combination with our travel expense report, travel expenses can be automatically transferred to corresponding travel expense reports on the basis of the driver's log. This eliminates the need for individual calculations and instead allows direct access to data that has already been recorded and documented.

Reisekosten für Fahrtstrecken
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Sinus Event-Technik GmbH

When it came to a decision on a software for personnel planning, several solutions were available. We are happy to have chosen CrewBrain. The possibilities to plan each project very quickly and in detail... mehr

Thorsten Schmidt, Managing Director
Billmann Event GmbH

After a test phase in the fall of 2022, we have been using CrewBrain as our central project and scheduling tool since December. Above all, the simple handling for creating projects lasting several days... mehr

Markus Urbon, Operations Manager
BigRig Berlin GmbH

For a long time, we were looking for a scheduling software that would make our daily work comprehensively and sensibly easier. We became aware of CrewBrain in the summer of 2016. After six months of intensive... mehr

Malte Jäger, Managing Director
RheinlandAkustik VT GmbH

We have been using CrewBrain 2021 for all our staff and vehicle planning and are super satisfied with the software. We can't imagine our everyday work without CrewBrain. It offers numerous options that... mehr

Philipp Suckrau, Managing Director
mls magic light & sound GmbH

Since we have been using CrewBrain for our entire personnel planning, the daily time expenditure for our dispatchers has decreased significantly. But above all the employees appreciate the new overview... mehr

David Floss, Operations Manager
BENZ & CO. Gastronomie GmbH

At that time, we were looking for a solution to effectively plan and reach internal as well as external staff. CrewBrain stood out because of the easy connection to external service providers and the great... mehr

Jochen Stubner, Head of Controlling/Purchasing

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