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Users include every employee or freelancer who has access to CrewBrain. Anyone who actively works with CrewBrain, who is to be requested / booked and receive the corresponding notifications from the system or record times.

Additional users can be added in blocks of 10 on a staggered basis in our essential tariff:
11-100 users 0,50€ / user & month
101-200 users 0,38€ / user & month
201-500 users 0,25€ / user & month
500+ users 0,13€ / user & month
Users include every employee or freelancer who has access to CrewBrain. Anyone who actively works with CrewBrain, who is to be requested / booked and receive the corresponding notifications from the system or record times.

Additional users can be added in blocks of 10 on a staggered basis in our standard tariff:
11-100 users 1,00€ / user & month
101-200 users 0,75€ / user & month
201-500 users 0,5€ / user & month
500+ users 0,25€ / user & month
Users include every employee or freelancer who has access to CrewBrain. Anyone who actively works with CrewBrain, who is to be requested / booked and receive the corresponding notifications from the system or record times.

Additional users can be added in blocks of 10 on a staggered basis in our enterprise tariff:
11-100 users 1,50€ / user & month
101-200 users 1,25€ / user & month
201-500 users 1,00€ / user & month
500+ users 0,75€ / user & month

Tariffs & prices

All our tariffs include the following basic features:

For every purpose the right tariff

CrewBrain is available in three different tariffs.
Individual features can be added to each tariff.


  • Our basic tariff for bands, clubs and other organizations.
 Try now


  • Ideal for small and medium-sized companies.
 Try now


  • Full flexibility and additional service options for our enterprise customers
  • All basic features
  • Bookable extensions
  • 10 users inclusive ?
  • 5.0 GB for documents
  • Historization for data
    changes up to 90 days
  • Support by phone
  • Vehicle management with drivers logs
  • Departments
  • Subcontractor management
  • Multiple Branches
  • 69 Europer month*
 Try now



Vehicles management
with drivers logs

19 EuroUSD 25per month*


29 EuroUSD 35per month*


19 EuroUSD 25per month*

& Time recording

49 EuroUSD 59per month*


19 EuroUSD 25per month*


29 EuroUSD 35per month*


49 EuroUSD 59per month*

Azure AD

29 EuroUSD 35per month*


29 EuroUSD 35per month*

Interfaces to
ERP systems

inclusivein all tariffs, e.g.
Rentman, Easyjob, ...


Support, Onboarding & Consulting

Limited support
by mail

includedin all tariffs
(e.g. for errors & bugs)

Support by

includedfrom standard

Support by

includedfrom enterprise


availablefrom enterprise
Please contact us


optional onboarding packages for a perfect start with CrewBrain

Please contact us


optional consulting packages to take full advantage of all possibilities

Please contact us


Data protection and data safety

Both the protection and security of your data are very important for us. For this reason, already our smallest tariff includes a complete backup and test system, which is always synchronized with the production system. All data is stored exclusively in German data centers and our system is fully compatible with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. More information can be found here.


Test CrewBrain without obligation

Before you select one of the tariffs, you have the option to test CrewBrain for 30 days with no obligation. In this period, all the functions of CrewBrain will be available to you without any limits. At the end of this period, all data that has been recorded can be transferred to a chargeable tariff with just a few clicks.

 Try now for 30 days

* All prices are aimed at tradespeople and are net plus VAT at the current rate of 19%. The reverse charge may apply. The change to a higher tariff or a tariff with more employees is possible at any time. The terms of use apply.

Anführungszeichen linksAnführungszeichen rechts
Billmann Event GmbH

After a test phase in the fall of 2022, we have been using CrewBrain as our central project and scheduling tool since December. Above all, the simple handling for creating projects lasting several days... mehr

Markus Urbon, Operations Manager
RheinlandAkustik VT GmbH

We have been using CrewBrain 2021 for all our staff and vehicle planning and are super satisfied with the software. We can't imagine our everyday work without CrewBrain. It offers numerous options that... mehr

Philipp Suckrau, Managing Director
BENZ & CO. Gastronomie GmbH

At that time, we were looking for a solution to effectively plan and reach internal as well as external staff. CrewBrain stood out because of the easy connection to external service providers and the great... mehr

Jochen Stubner, Head of Controlling/Purchasing
mls magic light & sound GmbH

Since we have been using CrewBrain for our entire personnel planning, the daily time expenditure for our dispatchers has decreased significantly. But above all the employees appreciate the new overview... mehr

David Floss, Operations Manager
BigRig Berlin GmbH

For a long time, we were looking for a scheduling software that would make our daily work comprehensively and sensibly easier. We became aware of CrewBrain in the summer of 2016. After six months of intensive... mehr

Malte Jäger, Managing Director
Sinus Event-Technik GmbH

When it came to a decision on a software for personnel planning, several solutions were available. We are happy to have chosen CrewBrain. The possibilities to plan each project very quickly and in detail... mehr

Thorsten Schmidt, Managing Director


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