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CrewBrain announces new company name


CrewBrain announces new company name


Baden-Baden, 12.10.2020 - The GigPlaner UG (limited liability) became CrewBrain GmbH with effect from 07.10.2020. This change was announced today by Sven Schlotthauer, the managing director of the company.

Already in April of this year, the company presented "CrewBrain", a completely revised version of its own software for personnel planning for the event industry. The core element of this new version is the modernised user interface, which at the same time reflects the company's new brand identity.

In the sense of a uniform brand appearance the name of the company has now also been changed to CrewBrain GmbH. In this way, uniform communication can once again take place in daily business under the new name "CrewBrain".

"We are pleased to be able to successfully complete the transformation of our brand by changing our name to CrewBrain GmbH", Schlotthauer comments on this step. "In addition to the change of name, we have also taken the opportunity to change our legal form from a UG (limited liability company) to a GmbH - a sign to our customers, too, that we are well positioned in the current difficult corona situation and are looking positively to the future".

This step will not result in any changes for customers. As this is only a change of name and legal form, all contracts remain valid and do not need to be adapted.

With CrewBrain, companies in the event industry can completely digitalise the entire enquiry and booking process for internal employees, freelancers and service providers. At the same time, the system offers a wide range of options, for example for time recording, invoicing of travel expenses and much more. CrewBrain thus functions as a central platform for all employees of a company and always contains all relevant information for personnel planning.

Interested customers will find a detailed presentation of the individual features and advantages under Features. New customers can also register there for a test version to test CrewBrain free of charge.

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